If you need to contact Dr. Filler or her staff during this period we recommend that you send an email to superkids @ toothfiller.com. If you don’t have access to email please leave us a voicemail at (408) 345-5449.
May 22, 2020: We are ready to reopen as soon as Santa Clara County restrictions end and California Dental Association guidance allows. Please see our new Covid-19 Safety page, where we cover 3
our preparations and needed changes for seeing patients.
Past Updates:
- May 5, 2020: The Health Officer of the County of Santa Clara has extended the shelter-in-place order till May 31, 2020.
Article: Why California dentists can’t fix your teeth right now: The state took their face masks.
- April 26, 2020: New “Consent for Emergency Treatment During COVID-19 Outbreak” and “Patient Screening” forms added on Patient Forms page. These need to be completed in advance to visiting us for treatment until further notice.
- March 31, 2020: The Health Officer of the County of Santa Clara has extended the shelter-in-place order till May 3, 2020.
- March 20, 2020: Offices closed until further notice, due to the CDA’s revised recommendation that strongly recommends “dentists practicing in California suspend all in-person dental care with the exception of emergency treatment”.
- March 17, 2020: In compliance with the Health Officer Order of the County of Santa Clara we will be extending our office closure till the mandated date of April 7, 2020.
- March 16, 2020: In step with this morning’s CDA strong recommendation that dentists practicing in California voluntarily suspend nonessential or non-urgent dental care for the next 14 days, we will be closing our practice till March 30, 2020.